Why do you spank your wife

13 Apr However I want to stress again that I advocate for consensual spanking only – I do not condone any violent or non-consensual activities. Neither do I condone spanking children and I don't advise you to spank in front of your children. You might search on the internet for “quiet spanking”, it's what we do.

Why do you spank your wife
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I never spank my kids. I understand the impulse sometimes, but what I find is that I get the most mad at them when their behavior insults my pride as an authority figure. No insult is worth a violent response, period.

I only spank my wife with her. .

Why do you spank your wife
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Monday, April 09, 2007

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Why do you spank your wife

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Description:All women have an innate need to submit. These days, I get spanked nearly every day, but that might be way too much for your wife. Do you think I should do it more often? Does he do it ritually, sitting in a certain chair, same time of day, etc. I will gently lead her to the time, place, and method, and administer the spanking. I get this question quite often, so I wanted to note the most important things for a great spanking. Dominant women are chaotic.

Views: 7256 Date: 2018-05-02 Favorited: 67 favorites

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+ -
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dig into that cunt!!!!!!
+ -
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Go for it dude,I'm 57 and according to my wife hard all the time,and we do it whenever we can.
+ -
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It all came so easy for her decades ago. Granny still loves it though.